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Skin Care Tips: Want a quick solution to skin problems? You can make amalki

Skin Care Tips: Want a quick solution to skin problems? You can make amalki

The habit of eating amalki helps to get rid of many skin problems. Besides eating, you can also make amalki make.There is no pair of amalki to increase the immunity of the body by eliminating the deficiency of vitamin C. Guava, Paper Lemon, Orange, Mango, Apple contains more Vitamin-C than Amalki. Being rich in antioxidants, it helps the body to get rid of contaminants. Just what health? Amalki is equally beneficial in hair and skincare. Regular consumption of Amalki helps to alleviate many skin problems. Besides eating, you can also make amalki make. How?

Amalki, curd, and honey

In a bowl, combine yogurt, honey, and mango juice. Apply the mixture well on the neck and face. Especially the part of the skin that has a tan. Yogurt helps to tan the skin. In addition, vitamin-C-rich amalki brightens the skin.

Amalki and avocado

Peel a squash, grate it and squeeze the juice. Peel a squash, grate it and squeeze the juice. Mix amalki juice with it. Apply this mixture for 15 minutes before bathing. Various skin infections will be eliminated.

Amalki and papaya

Papaya is already very good for the skin. If you pair it with amalki, then all the skin problems will be easily removed. Make a mixture by mixing amalki with papaya beet. You can apply it two to three days a week. Will be quite effective for the skin.

Amalki and yellow

Raw turmeric is very useful for any kind of skin infection. Make a mixture by mixing raw turmeric and amalki juice. It is quite useful in curing unwanted acne on the skin.


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