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Australian reality television star, Tilly Whitfield, revealed that she was rushed to the hospital after attempting a TikTok DIY beauty hack. the large Brother contestant spilled the small print in an Instagram post saying that she was temporarily blinded in one eye after she replicated the TikTok video. Whitfield stated that the sweetness hack involved putting needles deep into her skin.

The reality tv personality shared her painful journey on social media of her skin’s reaction to the DIY treatment and explained the rationale behind her wearing a blue clay mask during her time on the show. the pictures showed the 21-year-old with large red marks on mostly her cheeks and nose.

In the caption, she wrote, “This is the result of attempting to get rid of scarring I inflicted on myself trying to duplicate an at-home beauty procedure I saw on a TikTok video two months before Big Brother.”

She continued to say that the procedure she followed in the video resulted in an infection she couldn’t treat herself.

“I ended up in hospital with temporary loss of vision in my eye thanks to swelling and was very sick… to not mention my face was somewhat unrecognizable.”

Even though Whitfield avoided offering details of the tactic and process she went by with, she told housemate Melissa McGorman during a recent episode of massive Brother, “I acupunctured my face recently and I’ve got scars everywhere .”

She added, “I shouldn’t have done it” which she had “copied a TikTok video and my whole face is scarred.”

Explaining The Red Bumps
In her post, the large Brother star added as an edit that the red bumps resulted from, “deep below surface level scarring and dark pigmentation.” She emphasized that she was lucky enough not to have “keloid scarring,” which might need extensive treatment.

Keloid scars occur when the scar is raised to the surface of the skin. These can develop in multiple ways as they’ll appear as pink, red, skin-colored, or darker than the encompassing skin. These typically develop from acne or a piercing and are usually susceptible to spreading further than simply the first area of injury.

In an additional edit, Whitfield said, “I literally shoved needles deep into my skin this is often not a rash lol.”

Instagram Comments Support
Whitfield’s followers were quick to support her and spread their love, emphasizing that she looks gorgeous either way. Many commented on the tv star’s bravery in posting the pictures to avoid others from following an equivalent procedure.

Although TikTok is at the epicenter of DIY hacks, users should consider before attempting to repeat what they see. Whitfield’s experience acts as a warning to her fans to not try any TikTok beauty procedures, stating that it’s best to “leave it to the professionals.”


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