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Lower:7 Surprising Everyday Habits That Could Be Wrecking Your Back

If your back is killing you, you’re not alone. half working Americans are conversant in this annoying aching feeling within the lower part of the rear. And although many of us choose medication to alleviate the pain, that’s not always the foremost effective thanks to affecting it. In fact, changing some things we do on a day to day can help us to chop the matter at its roots.

1. You wear tight skirts and high heels.

While pencil skirts can turn heads, they will also offer you an aching back. Tight skirts can restrict movement in your hips, which causes strain on your spine. an equivalent happens once you placed on a pair of high heels: these shoes position your feet at an unnatural height, which successively causes the muscles in your lower back to shift. To enjoy fashion without sacrificing your health, choose skirts that allow your legs to maneuver freely, and choose shoes with heels that are under 2 inches.


2. You’re drinking soda often.

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Sipping sugary drinks isn’t the healthiest thanks to keeping your energy up, and additionally to several other health risks, they will worsen your back pain too. The habit of drinking sugary can end in kidney stones which may cause severe pain in your back. Drinking carbonated beverages also results in gas getting stuck in your gastrointestinal system, and puts pressure on your spine. If your back hurts after having a glass of coke, it’d be time to believe in increasing your water intake.

3. You’re stressed out.

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When your body releases stress hormones, it causes your muscles to tighten instinctively. Tension in your muscles, in turn, results in painful sensations in your neck, shoulders, and back. Studies have shown that including relaxation in your daily routine can effectively improve back pain.

4. You’re sleeping on the wrong pillow.

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When you’re sleeping on a pillow that’s too big, you’ll love the comfy feeling but hate the resulting back pain. Most pillows put your head in an unnatural position, which puts pressure on your neck and spine, causing pain and poor sleep. If you can’t imagine sleeping without a pillow, find one that adjusts to your own measurements, and put another one between or under your knees. These sleeping positions are proven to alleviate the strain placed on your spine.

5. You’re washing dishes the wrong way.

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Bending over your sink while washing the dishes puts pressure on your lower back, causing muscles during this area to strain. once you maintain this position for a couple of minutes, you would possibly be hurting your back on a day today. To avoid straining your lower back, put one leg on a little stool. this may assist you to regulate your posture and keep you from stretching your back.

6. You take the stairs often.

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While rising and downstairs is usually considered a healthy habit, it’s not the simplest thanks to staying fit if you’ve got existing low back pain. If you suffer from knee or back pain, it’s better to consult your doctor before using the steps as to how to exercise more.

7. You’re reading in bed.

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The habit of reading a couple of pages of your favorite book before you attend sleep can cause stiffness in your shoulders and back. once we recline while reading in bed, it causes tension within the spine and muscles within the lower back, which results in pain. If reading a book before getting to sleep helps you relax after a busy day, invest in a chair with good spinal support.

Do you have any of those habits? does one know of the other ways to alleviate back pain?

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