Ayurvedic Skin Care Routine For Type 2 Diabetes Patients: Pamper Yourself With These Tips

Ayurvedic Skin Care Routine For Type 2 Diabetes Patients: Pamper Yourself With These Tips

Diabetes cases are not nonnatives to skin problems. But with a proper skincare ritual, you can overcome these issues and get silky-soft skin. Read on.

Ayurveda is a holistic system of mending. The treatment it prescribes takes into consideration, diet, exercise, relaxation, contemplation, massages, and external care. Yoga and contemplation are part of the Ayurvedic way of life. That’s why the Ayurvedic life and diet are useful in diabetes care. As everyone knows, the operation of blood sugar situations is imperative in diabetes. Naturally, if blood sugar situations aren’t in control there’s the threat of complications, including skin conditions that take long to respond to treatment.

Importance of food for diabetes patients

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The ancient pundits of India placed a high value on raw, natural foods and fresh fruit and vegetables authorities. For diabetes, Ayurveda advocates a diet that’s low in fats, sugar, and bounce, but high in vitamins and minerals. The general feeling of well-being improves the internal outlook, helping the body to manage stress and adding a tang to life.

Importance of exercise for diabetes patients

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Diabetics also know the significance of exercise for managing blood sugar situations. Exercise also adds a healthy gleam to the skin by perfecting blood rotation to the face. Begin by doing deep breathing exercises, like pranayama, in front of an open window. Check with your croaker before starting the exercise. Walking is excellent, as it helps to exercise the entire body.

Skin problems in diabetes patients

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Skin problems are common in diabetes. The skin becomes relatively fragile and gets grazed fluently. Bacterial infections, boils, abscesses, skin vexation, and dry or itchy skin are some of the common skin conditions that diabetics suffer from. The blackness of the skin is presumably the most common. In extreme cases, there may be flakiness and itching too. The skin is also susceptible to fungal infections. Unless infections are dealt with in good time, they can spread and lead to complications. Of course, control of blood sugar situations must be assured.

A few skincare tips for diabetes patients

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With diabetes, the skin becomes dry. Sun exposure also causes a loss of humidity. The diurnal care routine is extremely important, as it helps to control blankness and other problems.

  • Still, avoid cleaner, or use mild glycerin cleaner for bathing, If the skin is veritably dry.
  • Sanctification cream or gel containing aloe vera should be used for the face. Aloe Vera is an important
  • moisturizer and also has soothing parcels.
  • Apply sunscreen with a high SPF of 30 or 40 before going out in the sun.
  • Keep the skin moisturized at all times and use a moisturizer under make-up.

Night-time skincare routine


Every night, after cleansing, use a nourishing cream. Look for a nourishing cream, containing ingredients like wheat-germ oil, carrot seed, and almond, as they are rich in Vitamins A and E. Spread the cream lightly on the face and massage it on the skin with a few drops of water. The application of outer-eye creams helps to maintain the elasticity of the skin and prevent early wrinkles.

Give yourself a silky soft skin

Slugging a petroleum jelly facial mask leaves your skin and face soft and radiant

For the skin on the body, Ayurveda advocates sesame seed (til) canvas. Apply and blarney it into the skin of the body before the bath. Incontinently after your bath, apply body embrocation while the skin is still damp. This helps to seal in humidity.

(This article is authored by Shahnaz Husain, a Padma Shri Award recipient and pioneer of the Ayurvedic beauty movement and the head of a global network of franchise ventures and 375 formulations.)


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