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We hear a lot about Alzheimer’s, but how do recognize if you might have it? Alzheimer’s is a disease that affects the brain, causing a decline in thinking, reasoning, and memory. Recognizing the symptoms of this disease can help diagnose it quickly, and help you better manage its symptoms. Here are eleven signs you might have.

11) Forgetfulness

Image source: articles.mercola.com

People with Alzheimer’s also forget simple and common things, like drinking and having meals. You forget that you like this certain dish, and develop a liking for something completely different. You also start forgetting how to use kitchen utensils and begin to eat with your fingers.

10) Paranoia and Delusions

Image source: www.livescience.com

People suffering from Alzheimer’s also exhibit paranoia and delusion. You are suspicious of people and things irrationally and think that people are out to get you. You hallucinate seeing, smelling, tasting, or hearing things that are not even there.

9) Aggression

Image source: www.huffingtonpost.co.uk

It’s also not uncommon for you to be aggressive both physically and verbally. You curse, argue, shout, threaten, and call people names. You even resort to hitting or pushing. This can be because you are feeling some physical discomfort or frustration. After all, you are not able to communicate what you want effectively.

8) Not Recognizing Family Members or Friends

Image source: www.huffingtonpost.com

As Alzheimer’s progresses, you start not to recognize close friends and family members. The recognition comes and goes. But generally, with Alzheimer’s, you will first forget people whom you have only recently met, and then friends, and then family members.

7) Problems with Visual or Spatial Relationships

Image source: www.health.com

One problem that people with Alzheimer’s face is visual and spatial relationships. You tend to struggle with estimating distances, reading, or distinguishing color and contrast. When you look in the mirror, you think that you’re seeing another person’s reflection instead of your own.

6) Being Withdrawn

Image source: www.healthywomen.org

Alzheimer’s can be sad and isolating which can cause people who suffer from it to withdraw from friends and family. There is a decreased interest in activities and interaction. You also no longer find excitement in the things you used to be passionate about, like your hobbies, favorite sports, or social activities.

5) Lack of Motivation or Initiative

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Loss of interest or apathy is also exhibited by people who suffer from Alzheimer’s. Withdrawal from social activities or people close to you is to be expected. This may be because of depression, which affects about 40% of people who have Alzheimer’s. It can also be brought about by the difficulty to articulate thoughts and emotions.

4) Communication Problems

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As Alzheimer’s progresses, your skills to communicate also decline. You may be in the middle of saying something, and then just stop because you don’t know how to go on with your story. You also face challenges with vocabulary and find it tough to find the right words to say. You also repeat familiar words or even invent new words.

3) Getting Confused with Time or Places

Image source: www.psypost.org

Confusion and disorientation are also signs of Alzheimer’s. You start getting lost because you cannot recall where you live, or you lose track of time or days. Five minutes can feel like five hours to someone who’s suffering from Alzheimer’s.

2) Sleep Troubles

Image source: newsroom.ucla.edu

People with Alzheimer’s also suffer sleep problems or experience changes in sleep patterns or sleep schedules. This occurs as a result of Alzheimer’s in the brain. Sleep problems can be managed even without using medication, though.

1) Clingy Behavior

Image source: www.huffingtonpost.com

People who suffer from Alzheimer’s tend to grow too dependent on certain family members or individuals and will constantly follow them around. This clingy behavior usually manifests towards the end of the day, or in the evening, when you start to feel exhausted, scared, or disoriented. When you do, you want to be near them all the time, and always within their line of sight.


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