How To Bleach Your Skin At Home – 6 Best Ways

How To Bleach Your Skin At Home – 6 Best Ways
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How To Bleach Your Skin At Home: Are you concerned about blemishes, spots, or dry skin? Black or white, it’s a typical emotion for most individuals. In addition to medical disorders, heredity, pregnancy, age, stress, and the use of inappropriate chemical-based treatments, these skin issues may result from exposure to environmental risks. Nevertheless, bleaching or whitening your skin by a laser operation or a chemical-bleaching technique can have severe and unfavorable results, and will typically result in irreversible damage to your skin. You may lighten your skin with natural therapies in the manner listed below:

6 Best Ways to Bleach Your Skin At Home


Lemons are acidic but also full of vitamin C. The antioxidant helps your skin’s new cells develop, which in turn bleaches your skin naturally and without negative effects.

You will need

  • Cotton ball and
  • lemon juice.

How to do:

  • Peel and squeeze out the lemon juice in a bowl.
  • Using a cotton ball, apply the lemon juice to the face. If your lemon is fresh, you can cut it into two and directly rub the juice on your face.
  • Wait for about 60 minutes.
  • Wash off the lemon with warm water and repeat the process daily

When to use: This will “probably” improve the appearance of your skin. Yet, according to skincare professionals, your skin will gradually grow more vulnerable to UV radiation.

Consider applying sunscreen 15 minutes before going outside for the best protection.


Aside from being a clever substitute for natural lemon bleach, oatmeal masks are effective in removing dead skin cells from the skin.

You will need:

You will need the following in order to succeed with this skin exfoliating procedure:

  • oatmeal powder (one teaspoon),
  • turmeric (about one-quarter spoon) and
  • few drops of lemon juice.

How to do:

  • Use a blender to grind the oats to powder form. Raw oats may be used if you don’t have access to a blender.
  • Mix your oatmeal with turmeric and lemon juice. The quantity may be increased if you intend to use it more than once.
  • Rub the paste on your face.
  • Allow it to dry. This will take about 15 minutes.
  • Scrub and massage your face while washing off the paste with bare hands.

Because oatmeal is a less abrasive skin exfoliant than lemons, the procedure will remove dead skin cells from your skin and may be repeated for several weeks.


Yogurt’s lactic acid is beneficial for smooth, moisturized, and radiant skin. Moreover, yogurt can lighten skin, especially when combined with honey.

You’ll need:

  • 1 teaspoon of yogurt
  • 1/2 teaspoon of honey

How to do:

  • Mix a teaspoon of yogurt with half the measurement from honey.
  • Apply the thoroughly-mixed paste on your face and neck areas.
  • Wait about 10 – 15 minutes and rinse off with warm water.

Repetition: Do the procedure daily for flawless skin. Milk may be used in place of yogurt because they both have the same qualities.

Orange and Turmeric

You’ll need:

  • 2 tablespoons of fresh orange juice
  • one-quarter of turmeric

How to do:

  • Mix 2 tablespoons of fresh orange juice and about one-quarter of turmeric.
  • Apply it to your face and neck before going to sleep.
  • Wash it off the next morning and repeat as desired.


Consume the fruit fresh since it has natural elements that can clean up skin imperfections.

How to do:

  • Apply the inner part on your skin and neck.
  • Allow it to dry for about 10 or 15 minutes and repeat daily as desired.


For all skin types, cucumber offers hydration and nutrients that lighten the skin.

How to do:

  • Cut the cucumber and place the slices on your face or dark skin areas.
  • Leave them for about 20 minutes and rinse them off with water.
  • Repeat twice daily for best results.

For the same benefits, you may also combine a teaspoon of lemon juice and cucumber juice.

While it takes time for effects to appear, these natural methods for skin bleaching may require some patience. You should pay close attention to your skin since it provides an instant evaluation of your health.


6 beauty tips to enhance your skin

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