Foods to Avoid With Diabetes

Foods to Avoid With Diabetes
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People with Diabetes have several ways to control their blood glucose to an adequate level, and one important measure is to monitor their diet. It is essential to try to avoid foods that raise glucose, as they increase the risk of hyperglycemia and damage to the kidneys, heart, and retina in particular. Blood glucose control solution

There are no forbidden foods, but there are some that should be strictly restricted and limited in the diet, as in the case of “refined sugars, high-calorie foods, and juices and sodas with sugar”, comment the specialists. blood glucose control solution

Foods that alternate insulin production

Just as there is a huge list of beneficial foods for people with diabetes, there are also foods that should be eliminated from the diet, since they alternate the function of the pancreas, which produces the insulin that regulates blood glucose:

  • Sugary foods: It is essential for diabetics not to consume sugar or foods that contain a lot of sugar, since they have a “negative effect on glycemic control” explains Reyes. Some of these foods are: chocolate, candy, jam, honey, ice cream, sugared soft drinks, alcohol and cookies, among others.
  • Foods with sodium: Foods containing salt or sodium raise blood pressure levels, causing hypertension and leading to cardiovascular disease. Bread, pizza, sausages, cheese, French fries and butter are some of the foods with a high level of salt for diabetics.
  • Foods with fat: These increase weight, cholesterol and can lead to heart disease. Some examples are: egg yolk, high-fat meat, butter, etc. “The fat used should be extra virgin olive oil,” says the specialist.
  • Refined flours and bread: These foods when entering the body, immediately become glucose in the blood, so they should be avoided. Rice, white bread, cookies and pasta contain these elements.
  • Dairy: All nonfat dairy products should be eliminated from the diet of people with diabetes, such as margarine, yogurt, cheese and cream.

Diabetes is a disease that does not require a very strict diet, in fact, it is a very healthy plan in which nutritious foods prevail and less healthy foods are forbidden.

According to experts, the most recommended foods are unrefined carbohydrates (wholemeal bread), legumes, vegetables, and fruits. Meats should be low in fat and fish should be blue. Bread and eggs should not be avoided, although their consumption should be moderate. The diet should include extra virgin olive oil and nuts in moderate amounts.

In addition to a healthy diet, it is also important to maintain weight as close to normal as possible, get regular physical exercise, control blood pressure figures and avoid smoking.

You may think that having diabetes means you won’t be able to eat the foods you like. The good news is that you can eat your favorite foods, but you may have to eat them in smaller portions or less often. Your health care team will help you create an eating plan for people with diabetes that meets your needs and tastes.

10 Foods to Avoid With Diabetes

  • Banana
  • Blueberries
  • Seed and nut mix
  • Cinnamon
  • Buckwheat
  • Black olives
  • Spinach
  • Beet
  • Sauerkraut
  • Shitakes

Nutrition and physical activity are important parts of a healthy lifestyle for people with diabetes. In addition to other benefits, following a healthy eating plan and being physically active can help you keep your blood glucose level in your target range. To manage your blood glucose, you need to balance what you eat and drink with physical activity and diabetes medicines if you use them. What, how much, and when to eat is important for keeping your blood glucose within the limits recommended by your health care team.

Increasing your physical activity and making changes in what you eat and drink may seem hard at first. You may find it easier if you start with small changes and get help from your family, friends, and health care team.

Eating right and being physically active nearly every day of the week can help:

  • Keep your blood glucose, blood pressure, and cholesterol levels in your target range
  • lose weight or maintain a healthy weight
  • prevent or delay diabetes problems
  • feel good and have more energy

The key to diabetes is to eat a variety of healthy foods from all groups, in the amounts set out in your meal plan.

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